Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Celeb Crush Of the Month (For May)

Celeb Crush Of The Month

 It's time for me to look over the whole month of may and pick my favorite celeb crush of the month. Well though it is hard to do cause this month easily hands down has to have some of the hottest crushes there is one who takes the cake hands down. That is Ms. Paula Deanda. Now I'm not taking anything away from the other ladies cause they are all beautiful, sexy, hot and all that in one but I pick Paula cause she is young still has a bright future ahead of her, she is very involved with her social networks trying to stay in touch with fans and relavent so I'm anxious to see how her career plays out. I hope you all liked this pick and if not too bad my blog my pick haha. Well world enjoy and until next time be easy...

Celeb Crush Of the week (May Week 4)

Name: Constance Marie Lopez
Age: 45 (Sept. 9th, 1965)
Occupation: Actress
Best Known For: Role as George Lopez's wife on The George Lopez show. But some may be familar with her role as Selena's Mom in the movie Selena...

Why Did I Pick Her: I picked Constance Marie Lopez for the simple fact that she is in her 40's and looks great! I really have nothing more to say other than that so that concludes my month of Mexican women for the month of May. I hope everyone enjoyed my Celeb crushes this month Soon I will pick my favorite one of the month so please keep reading and looking for my celeb crushes and reading my thoughts and quotes! Please spread the word about my blog if you like it and as always world be easy...