Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Thought Of The Day Dec. 21, 2010

Thought Of The Day
Life sometimes requires us to start over on and be on your own. It may not be the easiest or ideal thing to do but its not so bad or the worst thing either. Its better to be alone and workin toward a positive direction then to be with another workin and workin in a negative direction or being stuck in a bad situation...

Thought Of The Day Dec 20, 2010

Sorry I havent put one up for a few days the holidays have me busy and my minds been runing wild but I did have one to share hopefully I will return with another one soon. As always be Easy til I return...

Thought Of The Day
If in life we should find ourself at rock bottom or headed down a dead end street then just remember rock bottom is a good foundation to build up from and dead end streets are perfect to turn around and find another way...

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Quote Of The Day dec. 17, 2010

I was goin to share a Thought Of The Day but this quote works jus as well 4 me today...

Quote Of The Day
"Now, if you know what you're worth, then go out and get what you're worth. But you gotta be willing to take the hit, and not pointing fingers saying you ain't where you are because of him, or her, or anybody."
~Rocky Balboa~

Be Easy til I return...

Friday, December 17, 2010

Thought Of The Day Dec. 16, 2010

Thought Of The Day
Take life day by day and as it comes but remember life is about livin it, tasting the experiences life gives us, going through the good, bad and ugly as well as reachin out eagerly and without fear for new and different experiences...

I hope everyone enjoyed this thought I know I really like it. And as usual everyone be easy til I return...

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Quote Of The Day Dec. 15, 2010

Before I give the Quote Of The Day sorry I didn't post this last night after work like I had planned to do I was feeling under the weather. As Of right now Im feeling better. Anyhow here's your Quote Of The Day I should have another one for you soon or a Thought Of The Day hopefully just depends how my day and as always enjoy and til I return be easy....

Quote Of The Day
"Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced."
~James A. Baldwin~

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Quote Of The Day Dec. 14, 2010

Well it was just a day I felt it was easiest to pick a quote out for ya. I hope everyone likes it and everyone be easy til I return.

Quote Of The Day

"Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude." ~Thomas Jefferson~

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Thought Of the Day Dec. 13, 2010

Thank you everyone who has been reading these and supporting this Blog! I'm getting lots of good feedback and know that many people are enjoying these Thoughts Of The Day! This is a daily blog atleast its meant to be I want to let you all know soon I will be adding different sections for weekly updates for different days of the week. I know for sure I want to do My Celeb crush of the week, Im thinking about Maybe my favorite Youtube video of the week and I don't know what else yet Im still thinking about these and what I would like to share with you and will be interested in bringing to you. I will be doing my best to keep all this updated as much possible. Anyhow enjoy my Thought Of The Day its kind of simple, short and sweet...

Thought Of The Day
The best answer to solving all our problems is to stop trying to solve them all at once...

And as always everyone Be Easy til I return....

Monday, December 13, 2010

Thought of the Day and a Quote Of The Day Dec. 12, 2010

Today the plan was to put up 2 thoughts since I didn't put one up yesterday but I just was busy yesterday and today slipped by me so I did one Thought Of The Day and found a good quote so I hope you like them and enjoy.

Thought Of the Day
Do not allow all the wrongs we've done or have been through to shape our future but let our future be shaped by our hopes and wants...

Quote Of The Day
"The best thing you can do is get good at being you."
~Dennis the Menace~

Again I hope you liked these and as always until I return everyone be easy. (hopefully it won't be long before I return take care)

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Thought Of the Day Dec. 10, 2010 (Here is 2 for you)

Before I jump into this Letme say this I'm sorry I missed a couple days in a row, but from time to time I miss a day or so for a few reasons; typically what happens is I will get busy doing my day to day life stuff, there may be a lot on my mind that day so its hard to focus, I often think of lots of Thoughts Of The Days but I don't feel like any are right or good enough to want to share that day, sometimes they just might not be clear enough too but I save them to hopefully share another day, work on so I can clean them up or maybe someday release as a book or something. When I dont think of a good thought to share I try to find a good quote I like but even then sometimes I have a hard time finding those too. So those days I have a hard time thinking of a good thought to share with you and cant find a good quote to share the next day I try to do a couple to catch up for the week. Any how I hope ya'll accept this appology and that you enjoy these two Thoughts Of The Day.

1st Thought Of the Day
If we have learned to truely be appreciative of we have then we don't have time to be jealous or worried about what others have or what others are doing and we're not...

2nd Thought Of The Day
Often times other people will see you doing well for yourself and try to pull you down or hold you back and other times you may see someone doing better than you but keep doing your job so you can stay on top or catch so you can pass them. Remember there are many stars in the sky and they all always shine even though there's one next to them or even when some burn brighter than other...

I hope you liked and enjoyed those. Tomorrow I hope to share 2 more with you. So As Always Be Easy til I return!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Thought Of the Day Dec. 7th, 2010

Thought of the Day (today makes it One year that I've been doin these Wow how time flys)...We often ask why we keep gettin things wrong in life. Well we can't keep doing things wrong expecting to get things right in life. If we want to get things right in life we must start doin things right to get things right in life...

Thought of the Day Dec. 6, 2010

Thought of the day...In every opertunity there may be some difficulty but with every difficulty there may be an opertunity we jus have to decide which we want to acknowledge...