Saturday, June 4, 2011

Catching up on Thought/Quote Of The Days May 26th, 2011

Ok Im catching up for all the days I have been slacking and missing for last week while I was on the road. I hope you enjoy and until next time world be easy....

Thought Of The Day

Often times in life we will come across people who hate on us and give us a hard time for our success. Well I say let's keep them hatting on our success cause if we don't who will? Keep them hatters on their job...

Thought Of The Day

No one is above trials and tribulations that life gives but how we deal with them is what determines what will come from them...

Thought Of The Day

Fear is always hard to over come or conquer but once we do that fear no longer has any control or power over us...

Thought Of The Day

Sometimes our strength is best shown not by what we can do easily but by our willingness to take on a task that is not easy or comfortable to do. But reguardless of the out come we will be able to walk away knowing we tried and gave our best which is something many wouldn't have tried...

Quote Of The Day

"Life always has many things to bring you down. But, what can really bring you down is your attitude."
-Unknown Author-