Sunday, January 2, 2011

Excuse Me While I Catch Up These Thought's Of the Day and Quote's Of The Day

Sorry I haven't been posting these up here lately but the holidays have had me busy. I missed a few days (Dec. 22nd, 26th, 27th, and 30th) but I do have something for most of the days that I missed. I hope you like and  enjoy the ones I do have to with you. Here what I have to share to say bye to 2010 and to welcome 2011...

Thought Of The Day Dec. 23rd, 2010
Be appreciative. If you receive a gift appreciate it whether its big or small, if you are blessed to be able to give a gift appreciate that you could and do not give a give because you are expecting tu receive one in return if you cannot give a gift or do not receive a gift still appreciate what you do have already (good friends and family are worth more than material items any ways)...

Thought Of the Day Dec. 24th-25th
Everyone have a very Happy and Merry Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Enjoy your time with those you have to enjoy it with and Appreciate all the great things you have to appreciate and enjoy...

Quote of The Day Dec. 28th, 2010
"A pessimist is one who makes difficulties of his opportunities; an optimist is one who makes opportunities of his difficulties." ~Reginald B. Mansel~

Quote Of the Day Dec. 29th, 2010
'The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today. Let us move forward with strong and active faith." ~Thomas Jefferson~

Quote Of The Day Dec. 31, 2010
"Tough times don't last.. Tough ppl will!!!! #You win!!! #2011 better beready 4 u!!" ~Rev. Run~

Thought Of The Day Jan. 1st, 2011
In a year lots of good and bad happens lets leave the bad in our past and lets always enjoy the good memories we still hold and have. Lets welcome lots more good memories we have to come...

A few things before I let you go and I leave. I want to say Thank you everyone who follows and reads these. Thank you to all the friends and family that support me and my V.M.P. Team/Family. I want to thank Team V.M.P. for working so hard to help us grow and continue to be the powerhouse we are. I want to welcome the new members of the V.M.P. Family to the V.M.P. Family and team. On Behalf of me and Team V.M.P. We hope you had safe, happy and blessed holidays may we all continue to live and enjoy life and may we be able to whether all storms and hardships. May We all be lucky enough to survive another year. And as always Be Easy til I return...