Saturday, May 21, 2011

Celeb Crush Of The Week (May Week 3)

Celeb Crush Of the Week

Name: Paula Deanda
Age: 21 (Nov. 3rd, 1989)
Occupation: Singer, Songwriter, Actress
Best Known For: her hit song "Doing Too Much" feat. Baby Bash and she Starred in the MTV Movie "My Super Sweet 16." Oh and she did appear as a Celeb Guest On Nick Canons "Wild Out."

Why Did I Pick Her: Well again for this months theme of mexican celebs. Their are not too many to choose from but the ones that are I must say are simpley beautiful and hot! haha Anyhow I've been a fan of Paula's since I heard her voice on "Doing too Much" feat Baby Bash. I was blown away by her voice especially since she was only 15 at the time. I wish she would release another album. I do follower her on twitter which is where I found a couple of these pics. She is now 21 she is still recording and performing but I have not heard about a follow up CD to Her Debut Cd Paula Deanda. Anyhow she makes my list cause she hase that athletic body nice skin complection pretty long hair and she has a few cute tattoos. Well That concludes my Celeb Crush Segmeant for this week I hope you all liked and enjoyed this one stay tuned to see who make my list for next week.! Until next time world be easy...

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Thought Of The Day May 18th, 2011

Thought Of The Day

Often times people or difficult circumstances can and will open our eyes to a world of negativity but letme be the one to open our eyes to the good and positive world by reminding us just as easy as we focused on the bad we can refocus to see the good...

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Thought Of The Day May 17th, 2011

Thought Of The Day

We need to hold on to nothing but keep everything meaning let's all rid ourselves and lives of all the nonsense and negativity in our lives and hold onto everything we appreciate and value most in life. We must lose that negativity to make more room for the positive...

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Quote Of The Day May 16th, 2011

Quote Of The Day

"All out Dreams can come true...if we have the courage to persue them"
~Walt Disney~

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Celeb Crush Of The Week (May Week 2)

Celeb Crush Of The Week
Name: Eva Longoria
Age: 36 (March 15, 1975)
Occupation: Actress, Model
Best Known For: Her role on "Desperate Housewives" as Gabrielle Solis. She has been in a few movies and a couple small roles on a few other TV shows but most reconize her from "Desperate Housewives" more than any other role.

Why Did I Pick Her: Some of you may remember I was concerned not having any latina celeb crush's well I decided for the month of May I would pick nothing but Mexican celeb crush's to hold it down for my Mexican heritage and followers. I felt it was fitting since May has a fairly well known Mexican holiday (Cinco De Mayo). So Eva makes my list because she is simpley a bombshell. Recently she got a divorce from her Basketball husband Tony Parker. Eva hales from Copus Christi, TX (which is also the same city where Mexican singer Salena is from). Eva's  height 5'2, weights 105 lbs, and measurements 30-23-33. I really don't have much to say about Eva other than she is flat out a sexy bombshell and her pictures and vitals speak for themselves I don't think I need to elaborate anymore then them. That concludes this week's Celeb Crush Of the Week. Stay tuned to see my next celeb crush and to read my thoughts and quotes please keep reading and spreading the word of my blog to your friends and family. You know the drill world be easy world until I return...

Quote/Thought Of The Day May 14th, 2011

Hey everyone sorry I haven't posted these in a few days. I've had something of a off week for me. Although on the plus side I do have three for you to catch up for the day I have been missing. Also soon I will be posting my Celeb Crush Of The Week. I hope you like these quotes and thought until nextime world be easy...

Quote Of The Day

(# 1)
"Everything comes to him who hustles while he waits"
~Thomas Edison~

Thought Of The Day

(# 2)
We get one life to live so let's make sure we enjoy it and appreciate all the things we have and can cuz this is the only life we have to live and enjoy...

Quote Of The Day

(# 3)
"Always be yourself express, yourself have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it"
~Bruce Lee~

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Thought Of The Day May 11th, 2011

Thought Of The Day

Where we often fail or lose in life is where we put limits or feel is the end of the road but if we want to win change the way we view those limits and dead ends think of them as obstacles, hurdles or set backs. We all can be winners! We will excel and shine where others quit or failed...

Quote Of The Day May 10th, 2011

Quote Of The Day

"Don't let yesterday use up too much today."
~Ema Phillips~

Thought Of The Day May 9th, 2011

Hey sorry I haven't posted in a day but Sunday was Mother's Day. I had to work and was doing the family thing. I hope all the mothers out there had a good day with your families and I hope all of you that are blessed to still have your mothers were able to see and enjoy your day with your mothers. Anyhow here is your Thought of the Day I hope you like it. As always enjoy and be easy world...

Thought Of The Day

The way we look and view things, shape our life and reality, but for real change in life we need to change our views and the way we already look at things...

Quote Of The Day May 7th, 2011

Quote Of The Day

"Attitudes are contagious. Make yours worth catching"
~Gloria Velez~

Friday, May 6, 2011

Thought Of The Day May 6th, 2011

Ok before I go any further this is the first time I'm posting from my phone. So depending how this looks and works I will start posting from here or may not. Well I won't keep you waiting here the thought and until next time...

Thought Of The Day

More dreams and goals are accomplished when we work towards them than if you just keep talking about how we want them...

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Celeb Crush Of The Week (May Week 1)

Celeb Crush Of The Week

Name: Salma Hayek
Age: 44 (Sept. 2nd, 1966)
Occupation: Actress, Director, Producer
Best Known For: many films she appeared in. Salma hasnt not had the starring role but she is very well noticed in many films. "Dust Til Dawn" "Grown Ups" "Fool Rush In" and many more...

Why Did I Pick Her: I pick Salma for two reasons. One is today is Cinco De Mayo so I felt like a mexican celeb would be fitting. Two hands down she is one of the hottest women to hit the big screen. Even at 44 and having a toddler she is still hot.  She is definately a milf  with a volumptious body. I been watching "Grown Ups" this week so she has been on my mind and she looked great it in. Oh by they way Im not one for accents but she gets a pass with hers. Well this concludes my Celeb Crush of the Week. One last thing all month long I will have a mexican Celeb each week in honor of Cinco De Mayo...Just something for fun until next time world be easy...

Celeb Crush Of The Month (For April )

Celeb Crush Of the Month

I can never stress enough how hard it is for me to choose one from all these beautiful women that make my list. Well for the month of April I picked Michelle Trachtenberg. I still think she has a big career ahead of her and is very pretty in a unique way that makes it hard to describe. I hope you like this choice but if not oh well it is my blog and my crush haha. Well until next time keep reading and I hope you enjoy reading my posts. Until next time world be easy....



Thought Of The Day May 5th, 2011

Thought Of The Day

Our choices and desicion of our past led us to our now. Our choices and desicions of now will lead us to our future...

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Quote/Thought Of The Day May 4th, 2011

I did two quotes today to officially catch me up with the days I was behind. I hope you like and enjoy them both until next time worl be easy.

Quote Of The Day

# 1
"Your future started this morning you're late"
~Rev Run~

# 2
"No Emotion Last forever. It won't be the first and it won't be the last"
~Angela Simmons~

Quote/Thought Of The Day May 3rd, 2011

I know I've  been slacking lately I just haven't been too inspired lately. Today I'm posting a quote and thought. I hope you like and enjoy both of them I will post two tomorrow to catch me up for the days I'm behind. As always take care and be easy world...

Quote Of The Day

"Just because you fail once doesn't mean you're gonna fail at everything" -Marilyn Monroe-

Thought Of The Day

Don't let past fears and experience ruin our now. Learn from them and move forward...