Monday, April 25, 2011

Quote Of The Day April 22nd, 2011

Ok before I give you the quote of the day sorry I haven't updated this in a couple days. Friday night was kind of crazy. I did get the quote out I just didn't get to update this cause The tornado that hit St. Louis(which is where I live for those that dont know) made my night eventful...We were made to close down early at work, the power went out there, some Fat hefers stole my phone, I got caught in traffic and had to look for alternate routes to drop people off and get home...Oh and the tornado was about five blocks from my house and less than a mile from my job...Once I thought the night was it wasn't my I got a phone call from my sister in law sayin my nephew got in a car accident. It was pretty bad his car was totaled thank God he is ok. He got some bumps, bruises and a 11 stitches but that was about it. The next day wasn't as eventful but still was kind of rough between trying to get to work and work, getting my phone turned off and buying a new one it was long and stressful so I couldn't do research for a quote or focus enough to do a thought. And of course Sunday was Easter so I spent the day doing the family thing. Any how so thank you for baring with me and now here is your quote so until next time world be easy...

Quote Of The Day

"The secret of life is enjoying the passage of time."
~James Taylor~