Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Quote Of The Day April 25th, 2011

Sorrry that I'm not posting a thought again I know I've been kind of slacking lately but I explained why in my previous blog. I will get back in the swing of things soon. So please bare with me and continue reading and spreading the word about these thought and quotes because I post these for you all you new and old loyal readers. Oh by the way I am thinkin of adding a new segament to this blog. I have been going back to the movies more often recently so I may start putting up my reviews on movies as I see them. I'm still not sure yet though you just have to keep reading to see if I do or don't. I will be posting the New Celeb Crush Of The Week soon too.Well world here is your quote until next time world be easy...

Quote Of The Day

"The greatest weapon over stress is our ability to choose one thought over another"
~William James~