Friday, February 25, 2011

Thought Of The Day Feb. 25th, 2011

Thought Of The Day

Too often we go through life expecting failure, let downs and the worst situations possible to happen, but we can't keep doing that because if we do we won't ever get to enjoy the good times of the present...

I hope everyone likes this and can understand and feel it. Thank you for reading these please continue to read them and help spread the word so that more people may read them enjoy them and benefit from them. As always be easy til next time and take care...

Thought Of The Day Feb. 24th, 2011

Thought Of The Day

When ever we set goals for ourselves and go for them we have to remember not to cut ourselves short before we start them. Do not place limits to our success to soon. Stay positive and optimistic to the possiblities of our achievements...

Thank you for reading please keep looking and keeping up with these as i do my best to keep them as well. please tell your friends and family to read these to keep me doing them. I do these not for myself but for the people who like to read them and enjoy them. The ones who appreciate them and look forward to reading them. Anyhow be easy til I return.

Quote Of The Day Feb. 23rd, 2011

Quote Of The Day

We all walk in the dark and each of us must learn to turn on his or her own light ~Earl Nightingale~

I hope you liked and enjoyed this. Be Easy until I return.

Celeb Crush Of The Week (Week 4 of Feb. 2011)

Name: Leighton Meester
Age: 24 (April 9, 1986)
Occupation: Actress, Singer. Song writer and Model
Best Known For: Her role on Gossip Girl as "Blair Waldrof" and most recently the star of the movie "The Roommate"


Why Did I Pick Her? Leighton has caught my attention this week because recently I heard she sings too. So I youtubed her music and seen a video to a song she did with Robin Thicke called "someone to love" The song in my opinion isn't bad her vocals are a little low but not my story. In the video I felt she seemed very sensual and I liked it. I have seen her on Gossip Girl and she plays the uptight rich snob girl well and feel as though she possibley may be that way to some deegree in real life. I have seen interviews she seems nice and to have a happy and serious personaily. Which I like. I like the realness she has. But her video showed a different side to her. A different one from what I've known of her prior. The edgier and sensual look worked for me. I would like to know more about her after seeing all this so I can't to see how her career plays out. Well that concludes my celeb crush for this week. Be easy til I return...

Thought Of The Day Feb. 22nd, 2011

Thought Of The Day

When it feels as though life is giving you the hardest time remember even after the darkest nights the sun can still rise and shine bright...

Be Easy world until next time...

Thought Of The Day Feb. 21st, 2011

Thought Of The Day

Becareful of what youu think into existance. Keep thinkin positive and optimistic possibilities you don't want to think up the worst into existance...

I know this was kind of short and sweet but I think it is just that short and sweet and Good. hope you liked it and I will be trying hard to get back in the swing of posting these just theirs always so much to do and not enough time. Wel be easy until next time...

Thought Of The Day Feb. 19th 2011

Before I give you the Thought Of The Day let me appologize for my lack of presence on here lately. I've been real busy this week I had a show earlier this week, been in recording sessions back 2 back for  days and hours on hours, working on my vehical and just haven't had much time to think of thoughts to share or to find quotes to share with you. I hope you all can understand. I will try to get back in the swing of things in this coming up week. Well I won't delay you any longer here is the Thought Of The Day I hope you like and enjoy it. As Always you take care and be easy til I return.

Thought Of The Day

Optimism over comes obstacles in life because you are optimising your resources to their best abilities...

Celeb Crush Of The Week (Week 3 of Feb. 2011)

Name: Olivia Munn
Age: 30 (July 3rd, 1980)
Occupation: Actress, Model, Presenter
Best Known For:  being a G4 TV host and her Comic Con apperances  (This is where she really started turning heads when she put the Wonder Woman costume on one year and since then has been in the spotlight a little for her hotness/sex appeal She has also made the maixim hot 100 a few times as well for this outfit)

Why Did I Pick Her? Well when I first discovered who she was she was in maxim hot 100 and I didn't know who she was and really wasn't too impressed by her, but the more I see the more I think she is pretty. Though I feel like she can have a overbarring personality in her interviews, I like that she seems to be herself and fun loving. I recently seen her on the cover of Maxim checked her pictures out and read her article so that is why she came to mind and made my list this week. And if you don't by now I'm a sucker for pretty women with dark features(tans & dark hair). Well That concludes my Celeb Crush of the week this week. Keep tuned in to see who else make my list next week. Until next time be easy...

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Quote & Thought Of The Day Feb. 12th, 2011

I know Im still behind I'm just busy right now and still workin on catching up I hope you understand and forgive me. Anyhow here's the quote and thought of the day for today hopefully I will have two more so I will be caught up.

Quote Of The Day

"The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one" ~Elbert Hubbard~

Thought Of The Day

So life has been rough with us throwing sticks and stones at us. We've been hit, hurt, stumbled, tripped & falling over and on them. Well now lets build something from them...

I am working on catching up just real busy with working, writing and recording plus I have show coming up mixtape release party. So I just hope all of you understand and bare with me as I do my best to keep up with these. I hope you liked them and enjoy them still. As always be easy and take care til I return...

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Thought & Quote Of The Day Feb. 10th, 2011

Ok before I give you my Thought and Quote Of The Day let me appologize. I know I'm a day behind and I'm sorryy about that, but I have been busy writting and recording for my new mixtape getting ready to release called "Welcome To My Dream" its got a new feel to it. I'm debating on how many songs will be on it. It was suppose be a quick Ep just to carry my fans over  to my next project but I been thinking you might get more than just 7 since I've been gone for 5 months now. I think the new sound is refeshing different than anyone has heard from me and is fun. I think this will surely please my fans and help me gain some new ones for sure. So thats why I am a day or two behind on updating these. So please accept my appologies and keep looking out for my thoughts and news I bring. As I said when I started doing this I will do my best to keep these up to date as possible. Anyhow lets just get right into my Thought and Quote Of The Day...

Quote Of The Day

"If you have made mistakes, there is always a chance for you. You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this this we call "failure" is not the falling down, but the stayin down" ~Mary Pickford~

Thought Of The Day

Ok Once we've seen all the flaws in our life and once seen everything that is not working right or goin the way we want it to. Now that we have seen all that lets pay attention to what is still good and workin in our favor. Keep moving forward...

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Celeb Crush of The Week (Week 2 of Feb. 2011)

Name: Tia Mowry (Hardrict)
Age: 32 (July 6, 1978
Occupation: Actress
Best Known For: Being a twin. She was a childhood Actress with her sister (Tamera) on a sitcom called "Sister Sister" The show ran for a total of about 6 years (She played Tia Landry she was the smarter twin). Most of her early acting was always along side her twin sister. It wasnt until their adult years they seperated in their careers. Tia is now a star on "The Game." She Plays the Role of Melanie Barnet aka Melanie Davis (she is the girlfriend/wife of a football player). The show ran for 3 years and was canceled and now has been picked back up by another network (BET).

Why Did I Pick Her? Every  show I've ever seen her act on I thought she has been pretty. She usually plays a good down to earth kind of person and in interviews seems to be the same way. In my book thats good enough for me. She makes my list this week because I watch "The Game" and I like her character she is the good girl with a freak in her and is kind of clumsy at times but over all I like the eye candy she brings to the show. She has a pretty smile nice body and I like her skin complection. I've seen her hair in many styles and it always works for her.

That concludes my Celeb Crush of the week for this week stay tuned for who will appear next week! I appologize I didn't post a thought or quote today but tomorrow I will try to do two for ya'll and as always take care and be easy til I return.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Thought Of The Day Feb. 7th, 2011

Ok well its a new week so here is my 1st update. Before I give the thought of the day let me speak about the superbowl 'cause I know that everyone is talking about it still! My personal opinion is that it was a good game both teams made it entertaining. My pre-game prediction was the Steelers were going to win. Now hold on before you get started talking let me explain. I'm a die hard cowboys fan and have been my whole life so I really didn't care who won cause neither were my team. Now I think both are good teams. I liked the Packers more when they had Farve but I always respected them 'cause they are always a difficult team to play especially in their home town. The fact they can play in such harsh conditions always amazes me and makes it that much more difficult for the visiters to win. The Packers have a good program usually but in the recent years the Steelers have turned their program around. In this case I wanted the Packers to win but they were not who I expected to win. I knew they had some hurt players and at the end of the day I think the Steelers are just a better team. Though they (I mean the Steelers obviously for those who are slow and can't keep up in my content) lossed the game I think they know they were a better team and so does the Packers. The Packers were spanking the Steeler in the 1st half so if the Packers were that good in the  first place the Steelers wouldn't have ever brought the score so closely back. Oh the reason I really wanted the Packers to win was 'cause I didn't want the Steelers to have another Superbowl win over the Cowboys it just makes it that much more harder for them to get their thrown back lol. But its the truth. So I was not mad at the outcome the team I wanted to win did just didnt expect them to. And I was content 'cause I thought it was a good game. And now Finally for your regularly scheduled Thought Of the Day....

Thought Of the Day
Wheather we believe in blessings or miracles they will happen a lot more often if we believe in them than if we don't believe in them...

Sorry if this wasn't want one of my better thoughts but this was the one I was feeling like the right one to share. Well As Always world be easy til next time....

Catching Up on Everything...(from Jan. 30th- Feb. 5th, 2011

Ok I know many people are upset and wondering where have I been with these. Well I caught a nasty virus and my computer was hacked and a whole lot of technical stuff was going wrong. Well Im back and runing now and I will catch up on my thoughts and quotes for the week, I will announce the celeb crush of the  month for Jan. and say my celeb crush for this week all in this post. So here it goes hope ya like and enjoy.

Quote Of The Day

"You got a dream, You gotta protect it, People can't do something themselves They wanna tell you "You can't do it" You want something Go out and get it period" ~Chris Gardener (Will Smith)~

Thought Of the Day

Fighters are trained to fight a certain way and often lose not cuz the other fighter was better or 'cause they didn't know what to do but 'cause they stopped fighting their fight and started fighting their opponent's fight. We can apply this Life as well, Tho Life is tough and we can get lost in it if we can remember to keep fighting our fight and fighting for what we want we can win a lot more and we'll b ok...

Thought Of the Day

We may find ourselves seeking redemption but we can not do so by ignoring wat made us fall. We need to remember and embrace it so we don't make the same mistakes...

Quote Of The Day

"I aint dead, I aint scared, I aint run, no matter wat, still I stand" ~TI~ (I picked it cuz I see it as inspiration)...

Thought Of the Day

Happiness is a state of mind. If we can learn 2 truely appreciate what we have Happiness will follow...

Quote Of The Day

"The Hardest thing you can do is smile when you are ill, in pain or depressed. But this no cost remedy is a necessary first half step to start on the road to recovery" ~Allen Klein~

Celeb Crush Of The Month

Now this is a difficult task all the ladies are beautiful but I had a a tie between Aly Michalka and Christina Milian!! I know I was only suppose to pick one but I have good reason for picking both and its my blog so I can do what I want lol. Aly is just simpley beautiful! She has a great body, smile  and eyes! She is a complete package. Christina held on strong with the same features but I made it a tiedwith Aly because she shouted me out on a twitter convo  we had and she just a been long time crush for years.(Aly would have won if wasn't for that twitter convo because Aly is fresh face for me and is beautiful)...

Aly Michalka

Chrstina Milian

Celeb Crush Of the Week (Week 1 Of Feb.)

Name: Emma Stone
Age: 22 (Nov. 6 1988)
Occupation: Actress
Best Known For: Her Role in SuperBad as Jewels. She was also starred In "Easy A" and she was a co-starlet in "Zombieland" and "House Bunny"

Why Did I Pick Her? Well I noticed she was pretty when I seen her in SuperBad and gradually as I seen her in other roles my crush just grew. She took her look and sex appeal to new level in "Zombieland" and "HouseBunny." I like her voice when she speaks and she has that true girl next door look to her and she really plays the role of the girl who doesn't realize she is pretty really well which I like the down to earth feel she gives...

Well that concludes my catch up blog Hope you all enjoyed it and continue to read my blog. Until Next time world be easy...

Thought Of The Day Jan. 29th, 2011

Thought Of The Day

Life can be hard and often the world seems to come crashing down on top of us but don't panic or freak out remember before a tree can provide us shade or fruit to eat it once was nothing more than a small seed in the dirt...

Please keep reading my blog and spreading the word about it! As always be easy til I return...

Thought Of The Day Jan. 28th, 2011

Thought Of The Day

We face many hardships in life but lets not forget the good. Happiness is the only good so remember the place and time to be happy is here & now...(I hope everyone has a safe enjoyable weekend to remember)

Please keep reading my blog and spreading the word about it! As always be easy til I return...

Thought Of The Day Jan. 27th, 2011

Thought Of the Day

Life may seem overwhelming with hardships at times and it makes it hard to keep our heads up sometimes but remember the clouds try to cover the sun but it don't stop the sun from shining...

Please keep reading my blog and spreading the word about it! As always be easy til I return...

Quote Of The Day Jan. 26th, 2011

Sorry No Thought Of The Day for you today but I do have a Quote For you I hope you like and enjoy!

Quote Of The Day

"If you can make it through the night, there's a brighter day." ~Tupac Shakur~

Hope You liked this and as Always Be easy til I return...

Celeb Crush of The Week (4th Week Of Jan. 2011)...

Name: Kristen Stewart
Age: 20 (April 9th, 1990)
Occupation: Actress
Best Known For: Her role in the Twilight movie Franchise. She Plays Bella Swan. But Kristen was in a few other movies whe may be reconized from like "Adventureland" and She has also was in a movie where she played Joan Jett (the movie was The Runaways).

Why Did I Pick Her? Well she makes my celeb crush list not so much because she has  overly aamazing body or  an exotic look to her but more of the fact that she has a subtle sex appeal. She just a pretty girl who seems no matter what she does or wears she can make it work and look good on her. She gives me that girl next store feel. Not the Girl next that is the all american sweet heart but girl next door who you don't realize how pretty she has been until it almost too late to act.

Well that concludes my celeb crush of this week. Look to see who will make it next week. Oh yeah and I will be picking the celeb crush of the month from the 4 ladies I picked for this month. this is a new segmenat I am adding. Keep reading my thoughts of the day and quotes! I hope you liked this and it entertained you and As always Be easy til I return...

Thought Of The Day Jan. 25th, 2011

Thought Of The Day

Life beats us up giving us bumps, bruises, scraps and will try to lose us in the shuffle. But remember your worth. The value of a dollar is not lost because it gets crumble or a lil faded...

Thought Of The Day Jan. 24th, 2011

Thought Of The Day

Life offers us many ups and downs, many will come and go, some things will be better than others but keep your head held high and keep looking for the better. When life is being hard or tough on us keep pushing through the hard times don't stay standin in them...

Thought Of The Day Jan. 21st, 2011

Thought Of The Day

We all have strengths and weaknesses but we shouldn't think of our weakness as a handicaps but think of them as just more room for us to grow and make them a stregnth...

Celeb Crush of The Week (3rd Week Of Jan. 2011)...

Name: Mila Kunis
Age: 27 (Aug. 14th, 1983)
Occupation: Actress, Model and Voice Acting
Best Known For: Her role on That 70's Show. She Played Jackie Burkhart. She is also known for doing the Voice of Meg Griffin. And Recently she appeared on the Cover Of Cosmopalitan Magazine.

Why Did I Pick Her? I like her long dark hair, she usually has some type of tan or tint look to her skin and I like her exotic look. I've seen her movies and shows she not a bad actress and in interviews she seem like sweet and fun person.

Well that concludes my celeb crush of the week for week 3. I hope you like it and that you continue to read and checking out my blog. As always be easy til I return....

Thought Of The Day Jan. 19th, 2011

Hey sorry I've been away for a while but my computers been down but I have it back up and running properly. I have still been workin on my thoughts and quotes So I will catch yall up with these and update my celeb crushes of the week. I hope yall enjoy these and bare with me while I do this.

Thought Of The Day

Life may become tough at times but do not let the bad things in life close our eyes from seeing the good things we weren't paying attention to before...

And as always be easy til I return...