Thursday, February 10, 2011

Thought & Quote Of The Day Feb. 10th, 2011

Ok before I give you my Thought and Quote Of The Day let me appologize. I know I'm a day behind and I'm sorryy about that, but I have been busy writting and recording for my new mixtape getting ready to release called "Welcome To My Dream" its got a new feel to it. I'm debating on how many songs will be on it. It was suppose be a quick Ep just to carry my fans over  to my next project but I been thinking you might get more than just 7 since I've been gone for 5 months now. I think the new sound is refeshing different than anyone has heard from me and is fun. I think this will surely please my fans and help me gain some new ones for sure. So thats why I am a day or two behind on updating these. So please accept my appologies and keep looking out for my thoughts and news I bring. As I said when I started doing this I will do my best to keep these up to date as possible. Anyhow lets just get right into my Thought and Quote Of The Day...

Quote Of The Day

"If you have made mistakes, there is always a chance for you. You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this this we call "failure" is not the falling down, but the stayin down" ~Mary Pickford~

Thought Of The Day

Ok Once we've seen all the flaws in our life and once seen everything that is not working right or goin the way we want it to. Now that we have seen all that lets pay attention to what is still good and workin in our favor. Keep moving forward...