Monday, February 7, 2011

Thought Of The Day Feb. 7th, 2011

Ok well its a new week so here is my 1st update. Before I give the thought of the day let me speak about the superbowl 'cause I know that everyone is talking about it still! My personal opinion is that it was a good game both teams made it entertaining. My pre-game prediction was the Steelers were going to win. Now hold on before you get started talking let me explain. I'm a die hard cowboys fan and have been my whole life so I really didn't care who won cause neither were my team. Now I think both are good teams. I liked the Packers more when they had Farve but I always respected them 'cause they are always a difficult team to play especially in their home town. The fact they can play in such harsh conditions always amazes me and makes it that much more difficult for the visiters to win. The Packers have a good program usually but in the recent years the Steelers have turned their program around. In this case I wanted the Packers to win but they were not who I expected to win. I knew they had some hurt players and at the end of the day I think the Steelers are just a better team. Though they (I mean the Steelers obviously for those who are slow and can't keep up in my content) lossed the game I think they know they were a better team and so does the Packers. The Packers were spanking the Steeler in the 1st half so if the Packers were that good in the  first place the Steelers wouldn't have ever brought the score so closely back. Oh the reason I really wanted the Packers to win was 'cause I didn't want the Steelers to have another Superbowl win over the Cowboys it just makes it that much more harder for them to get their thrown back lol. But its the truth. So I was not mad at the outcome the team I wanted to win did just didnt expect them to. And I was content 'cause I thought it was a good game. And now Finally for your regularly scheduled Thought Of the Day....

Thought Of the Day
Wheather we believe in blessings or miracles they will happen a lot more often if we believe in them than if we don't believe in them...

Sorry if this wasn't want one of my better thoughts but this was the one I was feeling like the right one to share. Well As Always world be easy til next time....