Saturday, February 12, 2011

Quote & Thought Of The Day Feb. 12th, 2011

I know Im still behind I'm just busy right now and still workin on catching up I hope you understand and forgive me. Anyhow here's the quote and thought of the day for today hopefully I will have two more so I will be caught up.

Quote Of The Day

"The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one" ~Elbert Hubbard~

Thought Of The Day

So life has been rough with us throwing sticks and stones at us. We've been hit, hurt, stumbled, tripped & falling over and on them. Well now lets build something from them...

I am working on catching up just real busy with working, writing and recording plus I have show coming up mixtape release party. So I just hope all of you understand and bare with me as I do my best to keep up with these. I hope you liked them and enjoy them still. As always be easy and take care til I return...