Thursday, March 31, 2011

Celeb Crush Of The Week (Week 5 of March 2011)

Celeb Crush Of The Week

Name: Carla Gugino
Age: 39 (Aug. 29, 1971)
Occupation: Actress
Best Known For: Her role in "Son In Law" where she co-starred with Pauly Shore. She is also reconized for her role as Michael J. Fox's first love interest in the sitcom "Spin City." She is most recently reconized for being in the showtime show "Californications" as David Duchovny's Lawyer. She has appeared in many other movies and tv shows as well...

Why Did I Pick Her? Well I like to watch the showtime show "Californications" and well I seen Carla Gugino on there and she still looked great. I seen her for the first time in the movie "Son In Law"  and again on the TV show "Spin City."  She also had a small role in the movie "Sin City" where she bared all and again looked good.  The thing I like most about Carla Gugino is she has a great body pretty eyes. She gives the girl next store vibe with her looks but she does have that small look in her appearance that gives the rebel or devilish side that is hot too. She doesn't work as often as other actresses but I always appreciate seeing her in all her works for the eye candy and she's not a bad actress either. Well that concludes my Celeb Crush Of The Week segmeant for this week until next time Be Easy...

Quote Of The Day March 31st, 2011

Quote Of The Day

"A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work"
~Colin Powell~

Thought Of The Day March 30th, 2011

Thought Of The Day

No matter how many times we go over it our past is already written and lived but our future isn't. Its ours to take and make of it what we want...

Quote Of The Day March 29th, 2011

This my first day back to only having to put one thought or quote feels good and a bit relaxing haha. Anyways hope you like it and that you tell your friends and family to check it out. As always be easy til I return....

Quote Of The Day

"While one person hesitates because he feels inferior, another is busy making mistakes and becoming superior."
~Henry C. Link~

Thought/Quote Of The Day Catch Up March 28th, 2011

Sorry I've had these and caught up on all the ones I've been behind. I put these out I just have had time to put them up on here I've just been busy but here is what you have been waiting for. Until i return Be Easy world...

Thought Of The Day

(1st Posting of the Day)
Often we have a vision or a dream and people may not understand, see or get your vision or dream so just entertain them til they do. Keep pushing forward...

Quote Of the Day

(2nd posting of the Day)
"What matters most is not ur competence but ur character! There are many productive, rich, heartless fools in the world #integrity #rules"
~Rev Run~

(# 3)
"Don't let this world punk u or scare u .. Real eyes,, Realize,, REAL LIES"
~Rev Run~

(# 4)
"You can't be let down if you don't let them pull u up to drop you. #ChooseWisely"
 ~Angela Simmons~

Monday, March 28, 2011

Thought/Quote Of The Day Catch Up March 27th, 2011

As I said I would I finally caught up on my thoughts and quotes! So after today I will go back to just one a day  again. I hope you like these and enjoy them. Please tell your friends and family about these and I shoud have my celeb crush of the week up tomorrow...And as always Be easy til I return here are the thoughts and quotes.....

Thought Of The Day

Often we have a vision or a dream and people may not understand, see or get your vision or dream so just entertain them til they do. Keep pushin forward...

Quote Of The Day

"What matters most is not ur competence but ur character! There are many productive, rich, heartless fools in the world #integrity #rules"
~Rev Run~

"Don't let this world punk u or scare u .. Real eyes,, Realize,, REAL LIES"
 ~Rev Run~

"You can't be let down if you don't let them pull you up to drop you. #ChooseWisely"
~Angela Simmons~

Thought/Quote Of The Day March 27th, 2011

I did one thought and two quotes today I was going to do three more but I had a show and ran out of time so sorry but I will do four tomorro and I will be caught all the way up thank you to all you loyal readers and followers. Here are your thought and quotes until I return be easy world...

Thought Of The Day

(# 1)
If we want to live one of the happiest lives possible then we don't necessarily need the best of everything; we just need to appreciate all we do have & make the most of everything that comes along our way...

Quote Of The Day

(# 2)
"If u want to move forward in any area of your life, you need to get knocked out of your comfort zone." ~Ludacris~

(# 3)
"All plans for the future are useless if you have no capacity to fully live in the present"
 ~Deepak Chopra~"

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Thought Of The Day March 25th, 2011

Just a heads up this week I've been doing double thoughts or quotes or one of each to catch up for this week and last week. Same as my celeb crush I did two to make up for last week. anyhow here is the Thoughts for today I hope you like and enjoy them please tell your friends and family to read them if you think they may like reading the things I share. Well until next time world be easy...

Thought Of The Day

When we hold ourselves back from doing our best we are only preventing ourselves from reaching our full potential...

Sometimes we must ask ourselves if today is the day we are finally going to win, then are we doing our best to get and deserve that win? We must be willing to work hard for that win to deserve it...

Friday, March 25, 2011

Celeb Crush Of The Week (Week 3 & Week 4 Of March 2011)

Ok as you know I'm a week behind on this so I've been doing multiple posts this week to catch up for last week so why would my celeb crush's of the week be any different this week? Well I know Im even late on this week but here are the Celebs I picked for last week and this week I hope you enjoy and I will have more a new 1 next week. I hope you like and enjoy this. Til I return be easy world...

Celeb Crush Of The Week (3rd Week Of March 2011)

Name: Gabrielle Union
Age: 38 (Oct. 29, 1972)
Occupation: Actress
Best Known For: Her role as a cheerleader in "Bring It On" (the original movie staring opposit of Kirsten Dunst & Eliza Dushku), the oldest and mean older sister in "Deliver Us From Eva" (Starred with LL Cool J), the ex/new Girlfriend "Breaking All The Rules" (starred with Morris Chestnut & Jamie Foxx), FBI Agent/little sister Marcus Burnett in "Bad Boys II" (starred with Martin Lawrence & Will Smith) and many more movies. Early in her career she poped us a extra in several TV sitcoms ("Sister Sister", "The Smart Guy" and more)


Why Did I Pick Her? Welll truthfully I picked her because she came to mind because she recently joined twitter. I seen alot of celeb tweeting how she joined so she was on my mind. Now I've notice Gabrielle Union before she had a house hold name like she does now. I like her pretty smile, great body, pretty skin complection and from the roles she takes for acting she seems like she may have some sass in her which can be hot soo long as it aint bi**hy.  She seems nice and down to earth in interviews and sort of gives that girl next door from time to time...

Celeb Crush Of The Week (4th Week Of March 2011)

Name: Hilary Duff
Age: 23 (Sept. 28th, 1987)
Occupation: Actress, singer, fashion model, songwriter, fashion designer, film producer, spokesperson, author
Best Known For: Before Disney had Miley Cyrus and the world had "Hanna Montana" craze there was Hilary Duff and she was known for her role On Disney's "Lizzy McGuire."

Why Did I Pick Her? Well now Hilary Duff has been the girl next door since she stepped on the hollywood scene. Even after she turned 18 she went a little sexier with her music and acting roles but still hasn't stepped over the line trying to cross over to the trashy sex side. She crossed my mind because I haven't seen her since she did her maxim spread but I still felt she was celeb crush worthy. I hope everyone enjoyed these two celeb crushes for this week stay tuned to see who makes it next week and to ready my thoughts and quotes. Be easy world til I return...

Quote/Thought Of The Day March 24th, 2011

Again if you don't know I'm posting multiple thoughts and quotes to catch up for last week. I may put a few more up some days than others to catch up if the mood should strike me. Any how here is the Thought and Quote of The Day for March 24th I hope you like it and enjoy. Remember spread the word of these so more people can read and follow them. after all this is why I do them. And as always Be easy til I return....

Quote/Thought Of The Day

(# 1st Posting is a quote 3.24.11)
 "My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and my talents and I lay them both at his feet."

~Mahatma Gandhi~

(2nd Posting is a Thought 3.24.11)
We too often wait for validation from others to believe in us before we believe in ourselves...Stop it we are who we are with or without others realizing it. Be confident in ourselves and who we are...

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Thought/Quote Of The Day Catch Up March 22nd and 23rd, 2011

Where Have I been Lately?

Ok before I start give you the Thought and Quoute Of The Days allow me to explain where I have been for the past week. I mentioned in several blog post before that I was preparing for a trip. Well I went to Dallas, TX for 5 days. We were there to do some shows, recording, a photo shoot, networking and to get rid of some mixtapes. Well it was a success we did all that and some before returning home. We got in late Sunday night. I've been catching up on some much needed sleep since I've been home, I've also been preparing for another show on sunday here in St, Louis for the official mixtape release party for my "Welcome To My Dream" mixtape and label mate JB(Jus Blacc)'s "Brand New Side Of Me" mixtape, as well as all the other little things you have to do when you come home like going back to work and making sure you have evrything you need. So I appologize for falling behind I've been trying hard to catch up since being home. Well I won't keep you any longer here are you Thought and Quote as promise and if you curious about the Celeb Crush's I will post 2 this week most likely in a couple hours under a new Blog post so please be patient and thank you for reading these please continue to read them and tell your friends and family about this blog. Thanks again, enjoy these and be easy til I return world...

Thought Of The Day March 22nd, 2011

(This is the 1st posting for 3.22.11) Each day we wake up it is our day to make of it whatever we want from it. So don't waste it on negativity; make it positive & productive...

Quote Of The Day March 22nd, 2011

(This is the 2nd posting for 3.22.11) A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise answer. ~Bruce Lee~

Thought Of The Day March 23rd, 2011

(This is the 1st posting for 3.23.11) True we often don't know what we had until it's gone and yes maybe it is so we can appreciate what we lost, but even deeper than that we should learn to appreciate all things big or small, friends, family and all things all the time beforewe lose them...

(This is the 2nd posting for 3.23.11) If we want to accomplish our dreams and goals we must keep ours eyes on the prize, but remember if we focus our eyes too long and hard our vision can and may become blured so sumtimes we have to blink and refocus our eyes so we can see clearly what it is we are goin for...

One last thing before I close this out. I normally don't do multiple thought and quotes but since I have been slacking due to my out of town adventures I've been putting multiple thoughts and quotes out each day to catch up for last week now I may have more some days then others til I catch up but I will catch them up I promise. again be easy til I return...

Monday, March 14, 2011

Quote Of The Day March 14th, 2011

Sorry again no thought of the day for you but I found a nice quote for you. Enjoy and Be easy til I return...

Quote Of The Day

Worrying is like a rocking chair, it gives you something to do, but it doesn't get you anywhere." ~Glenn Turner~

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Quote Of The Day March 13th, 2011

Sorry I didn't put a thought or quote out yesterday I was busy with work and had a concert to do. Well here are two Quotes for you I hope you like and enjoy them. Please continue to read and tell your friends and family to check these out if you like them and think they would like them too. Well here are your new quotes and as always be easy til I return...

Quote Of The Day

(# 1)
"The difference between impossible and the possible lies in a man's determination"
                                              ~Tommy Lasorda~

(# 2)
"No amount of riches or pleasure will satisfy a person who is incapable of enjoying the present moment"

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Thought Of The Day March 10th, 2011 (5 to catch up for the week)

Before I give you the Thoughts of the day to catch you up for the week letme say sorry. The reason I've not been posting these sooner this week aside from being busy the internet for my phone has been on the frits. Well its fixed now and I did my best to catch up I will put two more out tomorrow and I should be caught up for the whole week. I also want to shout Out Gloria Velez She actually checked out my Blog recently. We had a small convo on Twitter. I told her how I blogged about her as my celeb crush of the week she said it was sweet and she would read whether or not she did read it I dont know but made my day that she tweeted me back and atleast entertained me with the idea she would read it. So shout outs to her whether she did or didn't. And as I said here are your Thoughts Of The Day I hope you like and enjoy them! If you like the thoughts, quotes and just everything in general I blog about please tell your friends and family to check it out because your the reason I do these. Until I return be easy....

Thoughts Of The Day

(# 1)
When going for our goals, dreams or whatver we need to stop worring about what we're goin to get from them and just worry about what we got and give it we all got...(I mean this in the idea don't worry so much about the reward for reaching your goals, dreams or whatever but just do your best and know you will get what is deserved in the end)

(# 2)
Whether we trip, stumble or fall in a foot race its not the falling down that makes us lose it's the not getting back up out of the fear of falling again that makes us lose...

(# 3)
When I played football the coaches told us stay low keep your feet moving and pushing forward, short choppy steps just keep going til they blow the whistle. Well this same advice can and should be applied to life keep going til the whistle is blown you may get pushed a little but the one who diggs deeper and pushes harder will win in the end...

(# 4)
We often find ourselves competing against someone or something and the second it looks like they may be better or may beat us we give up. But we should not let that be the result we should turn that into motivation to work harder and prove to them and ourselves that we can do it and can win...

(# 5)
Quiting is never a good habit to pick up. the only time we should ever quit any thing is if it is quiting itself or we are giving up bad and harmful habbits and getting out of bad situation for a greater good...

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Celeb Crush Of The Week (Week 2 Of March)

Thought/Quote Of the Day Update (where they have been)

Ok Before I reveal My Celeb Crush of the week, I want to say Yes I know I'm behind on my Thoughts Of the Day and Quotes Of The Day. Im sorry I've really busy. I had to shoot and edit another music video(I also Directed it). It came out great looks like a feature film type video. I'm really proud of it and impressed myself. I out did my last video. If you want to see it just goto and subscribe you will see all the videos I worked on and put out. Anyways the new video I put together was for a Good Swag Ent. Artist JYung History he featured Bo Dean on the song. The Song is called "Road to Success" youtube it check it out! like it coment and all that good Jazz! Anyhow moving on I've also been busy writing and recording for my newest project "Welcome To My Dream" It is almost done I'm putting the final touches on it. It is set to release Sunday March 27th, 2011. This is a highly anticipated mixtape I have a fresh new sound and delievery with my flow. From the leaks people have heard I've been getting great reviews I can't wait for the rest of the world to hear it. I have been also trying to prepare for trip to Dallas, TX my team and I are going down there to do a couple shows, record and shoot a video. We are hustling big time to make a big bag. We still have more videos to come too. Well enough of my life update back to your regularly scheduled program of My Celeb Crush of the week. I hope you enjoy who she is...

Celeb Crush Of The Week
Name: Gloria Velez
Age: 32 (December 18, 1978)
Occupation: Model, R&B Singer and Rapper
Best Known For: Appearances in multiple music videos for Jay Z's "Big Pimpin" and Ja Rules "Holla" video and many more. She was once signed under the Cash Money Imprint but that deal fell through and she records for herself with her own studio and label.

Why Did I Pick Her? Well Recently while reviewing My Celeb Crush's of the week from weeks past I felt I was lacking the presence of some latin & hispanic females. Yes I realize Christina Milian has made the list of Celeb crush's and I know she is Cuban but I think most people think of her as a black woman. Anyhow I wanted to have a beautiful hispanic female on my list. And I also follow the beautiful Gloria Velez on twitter. She is not only beautiful and sexy she is rather smart. She shares alot of knowledge and talks to lots of people on twitter. Recently she tweeted a pic of her newly dyed hair and it looked great and made me pick her this week. She also shares lots of pics of herself on her day to day life on twitter and shows herself after leaving the Gym and she just looks great. I like her hustle and motivation. Gloria is always on the move and booking thing to further her career. I wish the best for her and her career and hope she continues her hustle. Well that concludes my Celeb Crush Of the week so stay tuned next week to see who makes it and If you follow and read for my thought and quotes I will hopefully catch up on them for the week soon. Well be easy and take care til I return.

Monday, March 7, 2011

V.M.P. Music News March 7th, 2011

V.M.P. Music News

Ok so here is the latest news from my indie Label V.M.P. (Valdespino Music Productions).  We have lauched a youtube chanel called Team V.M.P. where we will broadcast V.M.P. T.V. What will be on there basically everything V.M.P. wants to release. We are putting interview videos up, performance videos, music videos and pretty much anything else the label wants to share with the fans. We already have two videos up and have many, many, more are coming! As of now we have a interview of Our Artist Frost Money. He speaks on his relationship with V.M.P., his latest project, and what he has to come in the near future. We  200 views in a week. We released his Music Video for 2020(2000 & 200) and broke 200 views in less than 24hrs then broke 300 in less than 48hrs and youtube felt that these numbers happend so quick on a new account they Froze the number of views! We are soo pleased in the response from our fans for making the views go so high so soon and its appreciated soo much! Thank you! We are fraustrated with youtube for the accusation but also understand. So now we are asking friends, family and fans to goto the youtube chanel check the video like it, coment, and subscribe on it. We are asking everyone to help us show that we did not cheat on getting our views! So here is the link to the chanel  and here are our two first videos we put out! I hope you enjoy and like them and that you will goto youtube and subscribe like and coment on them as well! thank you followers and readers! please tell your friends and family to do the same. Until next time world enjoy and be easy...

Frost Money Interview

Frost Money - 2020 (2000 & 20) Official Music Video

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Thought Of the Day March 5th, 2011

Thought Of the Day

Motivation is what starts new actions in life. Whether its new beginings or new starts we are searching for in life, but its the transformation of those actions to new and better habbits that will give us our best results we seek...

Hope this is very inspirational to everyone and that you like it. Now I may do one for the 6th but you know sundays tend not to happen for me but I will try. Please keep telling your friends and family to keep reading and checking these out subscribe or just keep following because your readers and followers are who I do these for and why I do them. Well as always take care and be easy til I return...

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Thought Of the Day March 4th, 2011

Thought Of The Day

Sometimes things don't make sense 'til we see the final results. We typically don't learn the value of things 'til we see the final result of things. Like sometimes we don't appreciate what we had 'til its gone or know the value of hard work and dedication 'til we've had to do some ourselves. Life's lessons are about learning and appreciating...

Friday, March 4, 2011

Thought Of the Day March 1st-3rd, 2011 (Catching Up)

Ok let me start by appologizing I've been incredibly busy with my music stuff. I've shot 3 music videos, had recording sessions, been working and been preparing for my visit to Dallas, Tx that is coming soon. We are taking a promo tour trip trying to set some things up for the summer. I  will tell you about that later but for now here are my thoughts of the day and quote hope you like and enjoy be easy til I return....

Thought Of The Day

Don't only be readily waiting to take oppertunities but also be ready and willing to make some too...

Quote Of The Day

"When you feel that you have reached the end and that you cannot go one step further, when life seems to be drained of all purpose: What a wonderful opportunity o start all over again, to turn over a new page."
~Eileen Caddy~

Thought Of The Day

Always remember we are worthy of everything good. We need to Believe in ourselves. Because when you do, miracles can happen...

Celeb Crush Of The Week (Week 1 of March)

Celeb Crush Of The Week

Name: Garcelle Beauvais (-Nilon)
Age: 44 (November 26, 1966)
Occupation: Actress & Model
Best Known For: her role on the Jamie Foxx Show as Fancy. She was also the leading lady and eye candy in a couple music videos such as R. Kelly's "Down Low" and Luther Vandross "Take You Out"

Why Did I Pick Her? Well I was watching TV this past weekend and seen her on The Jamie Foxx Show and I was reminded how pretty she use to be. I looked her up and seen she is 44 has twins and a 18 yr old and she still looks hot. She also was in playboy at the age 40 so that should contest to how hot and beautiful she is still after the years. Well She was my Celeb Crush for the 1st week of march hope you like and agree stay tuned to see who makes my list for next week. til I return Be easy....

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Celeb Crush Of The Month (For Feb.)

Celeb Crush Of the Month of Feb.

Now this is a difficult task for me to pick a Celeb crush weekly. And picking one for the month is even harder. All the women are so talented and beautiful but I have to choose someone. So Choose Leighton Meester for the Crush Of the Month For Feb. I am just taken by her beauty and sensuality she showed in her music video. She has a great body with a nice personality and I'm anxious to see how her career grows from here...

Thought Of The Day Feb. 28th, 2011

Thought Of The Day

When your ready for a change in your life here is a good quote to think about "Today I begin a new life. I am the master of my abilities and today will be a great and beautiful day." ~Jodie (Tyrese Gipson)~

I know this had a quote in it but its something to think about. Hope you all like it and enjoy it be easy til I return...

Thought Of The Day Feb. 26th, 2011

Thought Of The Day

It is up to us to use our abilities and opertunities. We have better chance them goin in our favor if we use them than if we don't use them at all...

I hope everyone likes this thought please spread the word about these help increase these views I do these for all my loyal readers. As always be easy until I return....