Thursday, March 31, 2011

Thought/Quote Of The Day Catch Up March 28th, 2011

Sorry I've had these and caught up on all the ones I've been behind. I put these out I just have had time to put them up on here I've just been busy but here is what you have been waiting for. Until i return Be Easy world...

Thought Of The Day

(1st Posting of the Day)
Often we have a vision or a dream and people may not understand, see or get your vision or dream so just entertain them til they do. Keep pushing forward...

Quote Of the Day

(2nd posting of the Day)
"What matters most is not ur competence but ur character! There are many productive, rich, heartless fools in the world #integrity #rules"
~Rev Run~

(# 3)
"Don't let this world punk u or scare u .. Real eyes,, Realize,, REAL LIES"
~Rev Run~

(# 4)
"You can't be let down if you don't let them pull u up to drop you. #ChooseWisely"
 ~Angela Simmons~