Monday, March 28, 2011

Thought/Quote Of The Day March 27th, 2011

I did one thought and two quotes today I was going to do three more but I had a show and ran out of time so sorry but I will do four tomorro and I will be caught all the way up thank you to all you loyal readers and followers. Here are your thought and quotes until I return be easy world...

Thought Of The Day

(# 1)
If we want to live one of the happiest lives possible then we don't necessarily need the best of everything; we just need to appreciate all we do have & make the most of everything that comes along our way...

Quote Of The Day

(# 2)
"If u want to move forward in any area of your life, you need to get knocked out of your comfort zone." ~Ludacris~

(# 3)
"All plans for the future are useless if you have no capacity to fully live in the present"
 ~Deepak Chopra~"