Thursday, March 24, 2011

Thought/Quote Of The Day Catch Up March 22nd and 23rd, 2011

Where Have I been Lately?

Ok before I start give you the Thought and Quoute Of The Days allow me to explain where I have been for the past week. I mentioned in several blog post before that I was preparing for a trip. Well I went to Dallas, TX for 5 days. We were there to do some shows, recording, a photo shoot, networking and to get rid of some mixtapes. Well it was a success we did all that and some before returning home. We got in late Sunday night. I've been catching up on some much needed sleep since I've been home, I've also been preparing for another show on sunday here in St, Louis for the official mixtape release party for my "Welcome To My Dream" mixtape and label mate JB(Jus Blacc)'s "Brand New Side Of Me" mixtape, as well as all the other little things you have to do when you come home like going back to work and making sure you have evrything you need. So I appologize for falling behind I've been trying hard to catch up since being home. Well I won't keep you any longer here are you Thought and Quote as promise and if you curious about the Celeb Crush's I will post 2 this week most likely in a couple hours under a new Blog post so please be patient and thank you for reading these please continue to read them and tell your friends and family about this blog. Thanks again, enjoy these and be easy til I return world...

Thought Of The Day March 22nd, 2011

(This is the 1st posting for 3.22.11) Each day we wake up it is our day to make of it whatever we want from it. So don't waste it on negativity; make it positive & productive...

Quote Of The Day March 22nd, 2011

(This is the 2nd posting for 3.22.11) A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise answer. ~Bruce Lee~

Thought Of The Day March 23rd, 2011

(This is the 1st posting for 3.23.11) True we often don't know what we had until it's gone and yes maybe it is so we can appreciate what we lost, but even deeper than that we should learn to appreciate all things big or small, friends, family and all things all the time beforewe lose them...

(This is the 2nd posting for 3.23.11) If we want to accomplish our dreams and goals we must keep ours eyes on the prize, but remember if we focus our eyes too long and hard our vision can and may become blured so sumtimes we have to blink and refocus our eyes so we can see clearly what it is we are goin for...

One last thing before I close this out. I normally don't do multiple thought and quotes but since I have been slacking due to my out of town adventures I've been putting multiple thoughts and quotes out each day to catch up for last week now I may have more some days then others til I catch up but I will catch them up I promise. again be easy til I return...