Saturday, March 12, 2011

Thought Of The Day March 10th, 2011 (5 to catch up for the week)

Before I give you the Thoughts of the day to catch you up for the week letme say sorry. The reason I've not been posting these sooner this week aside from being busy the internet for my phone has been on the frits. Well its fixed now and I did my best to catch up I will put two more out tomorrow and I should be caught up for the whole week. I also want to shout Out Gloria Velez She actually checked out my Blog recently. We had a small convo on Twitter. I told her how I blogged about her as my celeb crush of the week she said it was sweet and she would read whether or not she did read it I dont know but made my day that she tweeted me back and atleast entertained me with the idea she would read it. So shout outs to her whether she did or didn't. And as I said here are your Thoughts Of The Day I hope you like and enjoy them! If you like the thoughts, quotes and just everything in general I blog about please tell your friends and family to check it out because your the reason I do these. Until I return be easy....

Thoughts Of The Day

(# 1)
When going for our goals, dreams or whatver we need to stop worring about what we're goin to get from them and just worry about what we got and give it we all got...(I mean this in the idea don't worry so much about the reward for reaching your goals, dreams or whatever but just do your best and know you will get what is deserved in the end)

(# 2)
Whether we trip, stumble or fall in a foot race its not the falling down that makes us lose it's the not getting back up out of the fear of falling again that makes us lose...

(# 3)
When I played football the coaches told us stay low keep your feet moving and pushing forward, short choppy steps just keep going til they blow the whistle. Well this same advice can and should be applied to life keep going til the whistle is blown you may get pushed a little but the one who diggs deeper and pushes harder will win in the end...

(# 4)
We often find ourselves competing against someone or something and the second it looks like they may be better or may beat us we give up. But we should not let that be the result we should turn that into motivation to work harder and prove to them and ourselves that we can do it and can win...

(# 5)
Quiting is never a good habit to pick up. the only time we should ever quit any thing is if it is quiting itself or we are giving up bad and harmful habbits and getting out of bad situation for a greater good...